The Discipline of Spring Naming

Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose hearts are the highways of Zion. As they go through the Valley of Baca they make it a place of springs.
Psalm 84:5-6
In our last devotional together we examined the cost of spring-making. Psalm 84 prepares the pilgrim for two realities on the Way: the reality of weeping, and the reality of refreshing.
Jesus paid the cost of spring-making, and because of that, we can walk the Valley of Baca with hope. With the strength Jesus gives, we can also practice the discipline of spring naming. #hope Share on XSpring naming transforms the pilgrim pathway, making it a place of refreshment for us and a resource for those who come behind.
The discipline of spring naming is just that, a discipline. Something we practice regularly, a habit we force ourselves to keep even when our feelings would bid us to quit, lay down, disappear, or even die. The Valley of Baca can be dark and painful. We may feel terrified and utterly alone.
The discipline of spring naming begins with reminding ourselves that Jesus already paid the cost for all who will follow His lead through the winding valley. He is the wellspring that sources our sore hearts. I find that pain is usually an indicator that just under the surface, if I will turn to Jesus, a new spring is waiting to well up in my valley.
Not only is Jesus our source, but He also helps us name our springs. Delightful names bubble up from His Word like an unexpected water source from a mountain rock face.
In the place of Loneliness, we can make a spring named The Spring of Immanuel, God with Us (see Matthew 1:23, Psalm 23).
In the place of I am Overcome by My Enemies, we can make a spring named He Reached Down From on High and Rescued Me (see Psalm 18:16-20).
In the place of Rejection, we can make a spring named Hephzibah, His Delight is in Me (see Isaiah 62:4).
In the place of Divorce we can make a spring named My Maker is my Husband (see Isaiah 54:4-6).
In the place of Loss, we can make a spring named Yet I will Hope in Him (see Job 13:15).
In the place of Unseen, we can make a spring named The God Who Sees Me (see Genesis 16:7, 13).
In the place of Painful Endings, we can make a spring named He is Doing a New Thing (see Isaiah 43:19).
Name the place you find yourself today. Ask Jesus to help you give it a new name, a spring name. Mark the spring for those who will surely also pass this way. Make sure they don’t miss it. So many thirsty ones will one day pass this way.
Lord, help me make the Valley of Baca a place of springs. Amen.
Image by Kanenori from Pixabay
The Conversation
Well said and a truth to remember. Thank you!