Impatience is an Indicator

By your patience possess your souls.
Luke 21:19
But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
James 1:4
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.
Psalm 37:7
Impatience is an indicator. It reflects my soul like a mirror reflects a face.
What does my indicator show me today?
I have been given my answer in prayer. I can’t see it yet, but I know it. Now I am waiting on God, but it sure looks with my eyes like I am waiting on people. I oscillate between irritation and calm composure.
Holding on to His sure answer, I remind my soul that faith is the substance of what I hope for, the evidence of what I do not yet see (see Hebrews 12:1).
Has He promised me, or hasn’t He?
He has.
My Promise Giver is either sovereign, or He is not. He is either faithful, or He is not.
He is.
Impatience indicates that my struggle is with God, not with people, government offices, long lines, and hard hearts. I am impatient with God and truth be told, right down at the bottom of the issue, it’s hard to trust God while we wait.
If I peel back the anxiety, the flurry of activity, the fretful conversations… there’s the truth. I’m having a hard time trusting that God will do what He says. I must think if I stress and worry it will add some sort of necessary oomph to my worry-prayers and move His hand a little faster. There I am, impatiently tapping my feet and wringing my hands before my Father in heaven, the One who holds the planets in place and causes the earth to spin at precisely the right speed.
What a laughable sight little me must be to the great hosts of heaven who listened as He named the stars.
The secret of #patience is understanding Who we are waiting on. The One on whom we wait has promised we will lack nothing. Share on XWhatever we wait on today, we can be certain He is working to complete it for us and in us. So be still, my soul, and be patient.
Rest with me today as we wait on Him alone.
Lord, I will wait on You alone. Paatiently. Amen.
The Conversation
I needed to be reminded again, this restless child of His is being taught to rest in Him. Thanks so much for penning this.