
Two sisters holding hands with the word, How, describing the subject of the post.For Peeps

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11


How can I be okay if you are not?

It feels like some part of me is lost.

We always held hands when we were afraid;

Together we were exceedingly brave.


Today I felt I was twelve again,

Holding your hand as we made a plan,

Fear thrumming in our veins like some wild drummer,

While fireflies emerged on that evening in summer.


But we are both now far past twelve;

I look in your eyes and remind myself,

We know something we did not know then;

The Lord can be trusted; on Him we depend.


Even when our strength and courage grow dim,

We can always count on Him.

Sometimes we don’t know what to do,

But He will show us the straight way through.


When terror rises with images dark,

To slay our hope and stop our hearts,

We know the One who is the Light;

We run to Him, His mercy, His might.


I held your hand again today,

As fear tried to steal your courage away.

Together we took another brave step;

But this time we looked to God for help.


We drove over the causeway,

Sun in the sky,

Brilliant on water,



He gave us a song as clouds bowed low,

A ballad of hope, a promise to hold.

I felt His presence fill that space;

All that is lost He will replace.


It seemed like a dream, unnatural,

As our hearts shattered, they somehow filled.

Light released through the broken space;

We wept and looked on Jesus’ face.


Our hearts were shaken but we took the chance,

To trust Him in terrible circumstance.

As we trusted, strength arose,

Vision of future, promise of hope.


In this uncomfortable middle place

Between loss and renewal, fear and grace,

I’ll be waiting, sister of mine,

Because I am certain you will rise.


Don’t lose hope my dearest one;

Remember His face, the color of sun,

As we sped along on the path He opened,

As you chose to trust Him though you were broken.


How can I be okay if you are not?

It feels like some part of me is lost.

We will hold His hand when we are afraid;

Together with Him we can be brave.

Once again.



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