A Letter to My Goddaughter: God’s Story in Your Life

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Your #story is part of God’s story in the history of the world.[/tweet_box]
He is writing His story in you. What has just happened to you will be one of the most breathtaking parts of His great story of rescue in your life.
But I know it does not feel like it right now. I imagine it feels dirty and scary.
At that moment when the world changed for you, when a beautiful, normal summer day turned dark and full of fear, God gave you the strength to run. He filled you with breath to speak out against the injustice committed against you. He gave you leaders and parents who are wise and loving, who surrounded you with help.
I am so sorry you are hurting, that you were afraid, that what was supposed to be a fun experience was made scary instead by the sin of another person.
You are not to blame. It is not your fault.
You used your powerful, strong legs to run from danger. You used your beautiful voice to speak up for yourself.
Sometimes what others do can make us feel dirty.
Sometimes the wrong actions of others put shame on us as if a bucket of smelly mud were poured over our heads and hearts.
It can make us believe something is wrong with us, that we are bad.
The truth about you is that you are good. God made you in His image, and that was the beginning of His story in your life, how it all started. Made in His image, you gave Him deep satisfaction.
[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]In Chapter One of your #story, God looked at what He had made, you, and declared it good.[/tweet_box]
You matter to Him.
In fact, you matter more to Him than His own life. He gave it to make you clean when shame pours its lies over your head. He gave it to guarantee you would never be separated from Him again, even when you are afraid and think nothing about you is good.
The truest things about you are what God says about you. Always remember that, especially today.
I am one of the readers of your story, holding my breath as I turn the pages, reading the story of your life as God writes it. My throat feels tight with anticipation, my heart is thumping. I am watching you, the beloved one central to this story, as you look around for help and comfort. Your eyes are terrified, your hands are trembling. You aren’t sure what to do, if you will survive. You think you have been abandoned, left alone to face your enemies. You are wondering if God even cares. Where is He????
But wait! Can you hear it? I, the reader, can hear it! Listen with me!
It is a sound like thunder; the ground vibrates as hooves pound the earth. Louder it grows, closer it draws, the sound deafening my ears until out of the darkness emerges the magnificent form of a warrior, your Rescuer! He thunders toward you on a horse the color of blinding sunlight, a glistening sword in one hand, the other outstretched toward you! Even as I watch, the muscles of His mighty arm flex to lift you up and place you securely with Him, high above the danger below. You are resting now, your head leaning in safety against Him. You are saved! You are loved.
You are safe.
Your Protector is mighty. He is strong and powerful. He will defend you and keep you in His care. I don’t know where He is taking you from here, but I know He can be trusted.
I can’t wait to read the rest of your story, dear one, precious to me and to God.
[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]Sometimes the bad things that happen to us become the most powerful part of God’s #story in our lives. We can trust Him with every chapter.[/tweet_box]
Keep your arms around His neck, your head resting on His heart. He will never fail you.
I am praying for you, and remain as ever, your loving,
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