Anxiety Gone

a picture of twilight with the words Anxiety Gone describing the subject of the post.


The gloom will be dispelled for those who were anxious.

Isaiah 9:1

Gloom is defined by the Collins Dictionary as “a state of near darkness” or “a feeling of sadness or lack of hope.” It’s hard to see during the gloomy hour just before nightfall. Details are blurry. Lines on the road seem to disappear. People look like shadows, and it takes extra effort to focus. 

Anxiety can have the same effect, pitching us into a state of near darkness, flooding us with sadness, and diminishing hope. It’s hard to see clearly when our minds and hearts grow dim with anxiety. In the gloom, we are more likely to cross boundaries or let someone else cross ours. We might bump into someone and cause harm to them or ourselves. When we are anxious, it takes extra effort to focus on what’s real.

How astonishing to find that here, tucked into the Christmas story like a small package under the Christmas tree, is a promise. He who will be called The Light of the World, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace will dispel the gloom for those who were anxious (see Isaiah 9:6). The Light will come and the darkness will be gone. Anxiety… gone. 

The gloom. Will be. Dispelled. For those who were anxious.

Dispel: banish, eliminate, chase away, drive away, drive off, get rid of, dissipate, disperse, scatter, relieve, ease, calm, put to rest. 

Yes, I’ll take that gift, thank you kindly.

Banishing anxiety was on God’s mind from the beginning. It matters so much to Him that He included it in Isaiah’s prophecy of the coming Messiah 700 years before the star rose over a father who anxiously searched for a room in an inn and angels burst into singing over shepherds who watched their flocks by night.

The Light of the World will chase away the gloom of anxiety from human hearts. The Prince of Peace has come to put our fears to rest. The Mighty Counselor has come to relieve your mind of all that crowds and clamors. 

Anxiety is ancient. But the Ancient of Days holds out His hands to you this Christmas with a most unusual gift:

The gloom will be dispelled for those who were anxious.

If you are anxious right now, putting your faith in a Christmas promise might seem insufficient to surmount the darkness closing in. The Light of the World has shed light on human minds to create medicine and therapies that help. He has put it in the hearts of people to create support groups. He has given us His Word that is living and active, breathing hope into us every time we read it. He is the Prince of Peace, and He loves us.

Lasting peace comes from a relationship with the Prince of Peace.

Make this prayer your own or pray it for someone you know who struggles with anxiety: Wonderful Counselor, give us faith to open this Christmas gift. Light of the World, shine into our hearts this Christmas and dispel the gloom of anxiety. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Photo by Sonja Langford on Unsplash


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