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  • Leadership Longevity

    To read more in my series of reflections on 2 Samuel 6:;1-18, click here and here. David was afraid of the Lord that day and said, “How will the Ark of the Lord ever come to me?” 2 Samuel 6:10 When the day started, David was full of hope. After a long road of battle and loss, grief and sorrow, he was finally taking his place as king in Jerusalem. But he wanted his reign… Read More

  • Holiness Ignored

    To read the first in my series of reflections on 2 Samuel 6:1-18, click here.   He died right there beside the ark of God. 2 Samuel 6:7 When holiness is ignored loss is inevitable. The ark of God represented the very presence of God among His people. He gave careful instructions in Numbers 7:9 about its transport. It was to be carried on poles, supported on the shoulders of the Kohathites. Not even the… Read More