Triggered: Identifying Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
@audreycfrank Part One: When You are the One Suffering from PTSD "Don't trigger me!" one teen said to another as they dissolved into laughter. The phrase has become casual and funny in popular culture, but underneath the laughter there is a kernel of truth. For those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a trigger can come unexpectedly, throwing them into a tailspin of fear and anxiety. [tweet_box design="default" float="none"]Recognizing the signs of #PTSD and… Read More
What Loving Muslims Taught Me About the Gospel
@audreycfrank The billowing saffron colored melhfa blew around her small frame like a mystery. And that suited her, for that’s what she was the first day I laid eyes on her. An enigma, a puzzle, a silent beacon of courage pressing against the crowds outside our hospital gates. I did not understand her yet. But I would, and knowing her would teach me more than I could have imagined. Two hours later it was finally… Read More
Were We Created for Independence?
@audreycfrank In the past few years, as I have deeply examined the Bible through the lenses of honor and shame, many of my opinions and beliefs have been challenged at the core. As Independence Day in the United States draws near, I am thinking critically today about the role and purpose of independence and its genesis. I have lived in nations where corruption drove governments to withhold resources and help from their people, driving them… Read More
How to Walk Through Criticism
The critic stood on a ridgeline, high above the dusty road where King David and his mighty men walked. Foam gathered in the corners of his mouth as he shouted down curses in the name of the Lord on the king. With cracked and calloused hands, the critic grabbed the nearest rocks and pummeled David and all his men with stones. "Get out! Get out, you man of blood, you scoundrel!” (2 Samuel 16:7, NIV)… Read More