@audreycfrank Psalm 16:5, NIV “Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup, and have made my lot secure.” Everything that comes is assigned. Elisabeth Elliot called this the great simplifier for all of life. Our loving heavenly Father has assigned all that comes. Assignment entails willing acceptance of what comes, however. The Israelites wandered in the desert, all ate of the same manna. But many did not please the Lord and died before… Read More
@audreycfrank “Mommy, come see this! Look at this!” In her excitement, my young daughter forgets I am driving as she pores over her doll magazine in the backseat, wishing to share everything with me. “This doll has her own spaceship, Mommy!” she exclaims. “Look! Look!” I peek in the rearview mirror while trying to keep my car safely between the lines on the road. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I find it very difficult to… Read More
@audreycfrank This week the world held its breath as teams worked tirelessly to rescue twelve children and their soccer coach from deep beneath a mountain in northern Thailand. One volunteer, a former Thai Royal Navy Seal, gave his life when he was overtaken by a flash flood, his oxygen supply not enough to sustain him in the powerful waters. An expert diver, avid runner, and cyclist, he was trained and equipped with the highest possible… Read More
@audreyfrank I journeyed to an unknown land Far across the sea. I stood upon the darkened shores, I heard the ocean breathe. I listened for the sound of hope, but Everything was still. I wondered if the sun would rise, This new realm to reveal. I was afraid, my heart grew faint, This place was not my rest. In panic, I searched troubled skies For someone who would help. I did not… Read More
@audreycfrank In the past few years, as I have deeply examined the Bible through the lenses of honor and shame, many of my opinions and beliefs have been challenged at the core. As Independence Day in the United States draws near, I am thinking critically today about the role and purpose of independence and its genesis. I have lived in nations where corruption drove governments to withhold resources and help from their people, driving them… Read More
@audreyfrank I went to bed with Condemnation and woke up with it the next morning. It had started in the place of self-scrutiny, with the instruments we all like to use to measure ourselves. Beauty, Success, Energy, Health, Finance: Fill in your own tool. I had measured and weighed my Self and did not like what I saw. By the time I fell into bed I was exhausted and weighed down like an anchor chained… Read More
Dear Beautiful One, the Apple of God’s eye, Chosen not Rejected, Seen, Loved, Known and Treasured, the one called My Delight is in Her, [tweet_box design="default" float="none"]Your #story is part of God’s story in the history of the world.[/tweet_box] He is writing His story in you. What has just happened to you will be one of the most breathtaking parts of His great story of rescue in your life. But I know it does not feel… Read More
The critic stood on a ridgeline, high above the dusty road where King David and his mighty men walked. Foam gathered in the corners of his mouth as he shouted down curses in the name of the Lord on the king. With cracked and calloused hands, the critic grabbed the nearest rocks and pummeled David and all his men with stones. "Get out! Get out, you man of blood, you scoundrel!” (2 Samuel 16:7, NIV)… Read More
@audreycfrank Admirers eagerly pressed forward as the beautiful actress swept through the adoring crowd. “She is crushing life,” one said, eyes glowing with a dreamy mix of veneration and envy. A rumored yoga expert, clean eater, human rights activist, and size 2 waistline, this woman seemed to have everything. Even the very shoes she wore sold out online within five minutes, purchased by young girls and middle-aged women wishing to somehow capture a bit of… Read More
I see you. I see your pursuit of worth. The way you try to walk without stumbling in those high heels. The nervous flutter of hands smoothing your dress, the careful way you styled your hair. I hear you comment self-consciously about whether or not your Chacos should really be worn with a floral dress. I see the lightweight scarf you chose for your hijab, hoping it might breathe just a little in the pressing… Read More