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  • Joy and Sorrow Side by Side
    Joy and Sorrow Run Side by Side

    @audreycfrank Joy and sorrow are inexplicably connected, and stubbornly present in the human experience. I once saw a sight most strange, two very different streams flowing side by side. In the deep woods of the mountains where we summered in my childhood, the two streams swirled, separated only by a narrow, rocky ledge embedded in dark rich earth. One raged wide, its waters noisily churning up the dark and decaying debris of seasons past. The… Read More

  • Lent in the Valley

    @audreycfrank I was walking on a narrow gravel road that wound its way along the edge of a high ridge overlooking a sweeping valley. I am usually nervous about heights, but I was too focused on the journey to pay attention to the butterflies in my stomach. This was long before I gazed into the majestic Rift Valley of East Africa or the breathtaking vistas of the mountains and valleys of North Africa and the… Read More

  • Honor Revolution
    Around the globe humanity is finding honor through Jesus Christ

    Around the world, across borders and inside human hearts from every nation, a revolution is happening. People once suffocated by shame are taking their first gasping breath, eyes opening to a new life of honor instead of disgrace. Shame was never meant to be your portion, sings poet and artist Kristene Mueller DiMarco in her song titled Mercy. It was not part of the original plan for humanity, so lovingly created with intrinsic worth and value.… Read More