Available Now
Covered Glory

Available: August 20, 2019
• Page Count: 208
ISBN: 978-0736975483
Covered Glory: The Face of Honor and Shame in the Muslim World is an outpouring of Audrey’s heart to introduce others to the God of Instead—He who brings gladness instead of mourning and hope instead of despair. Shame is not unique to developing countries, the plight of women behind veils, or young girls trafficked across borders; shame is lurking in hearts everywhere.
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Riveting, deeply moving, beautifully eloquent—I could not put this book down.
Vaneetha Rendall Risner, Author
The Scars That Have Shaped Me: How God Meets Us in Suffering
- Covered Glory provides a clear, compelling explanation of God’s honor for the shamed. This book is a treasure chest of ah-ha moments, biblical insights, and inspiring stories.
Jayson Georges, author of The 3D Gospel and editor of HonorShame.com
- Covered Glory is easy to read and approachable. At the same time it is profound and enlightening. Through these pages, Audrey Frank will entrust to any willing person the keys to loving and redemptive relationships with not only Muslim women, but with anyone who has been caught in the grip of shame.
Elizabeth Schenkel, writer and filmmaker at JESUS Film, a ministry of Cru.
- I found Covered Glory to be a very moving book. It is a refreshing description of the gospel and a must-read for anyone working with Muslims.
Roland Muller, author of Honor and Shame, Unlocking the Door
- Some people have the impression that honor and shame are abstract concepts, relevant only for some distant time and place. However, Covered Glory opens our eyes to discover how intimately acquainted we all are with shame, which steals our sense of worth. All the while, Audrey directs our attention to “the God of Instead, He who gives beauty instead of ashes, gladness instead of mourning, and praise instead of despair.
Dr. Jackson Wu
- Covered Glory goes beyond introducing the honor-shame world-view. It uncovers for the reader everyone’s need for the honor-establishing, shame-abolishing Gospel. As Audrey leads us down ancient cobblestone alleyways, and dusty village paths, she introduces her own story of brokenness and the men and women she has met along her journey who are loved and pursued by the same rescuer, Jesus - who honors them, values them and completes them.
John Becker, co-author of Where there Is Now a Church and From Fruit To Orchard