Come Let Me Show You: God’s Promise for our Children

God promises to show our children his salvation.@audreycfrank

“Mommy, come see this! Look at this!” 

In her excitement, my young daughter forgets I am driving as she pores over her doll magazine in the backseat, wishing to share everything with me. 

“This doll has her own spaceship, Mommy!” she exclaims. “Look! Look!”

I peek in the rearview mirror while trying to keep my car safely between the lines on the road. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I find it very difficult to say no to the sweet invitation to join in her delight as she discovers new things.

She is a teacher, my beautiful, growing girl. She teaches me about God. In her delight, I behold His.

I will protect those who know my name. When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble,I will rescue them and honor them. With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation. –Psalm 91:14-16, NRSV

I am making a little book these days, a dagger of sorts to carry in my pocket. I plan to pull it out and defend my heart from the Fear I know is coming my way as all three of my children face new challenges and new beginnings in a month or so when the school year begins.

I am filling this tiny book with verses to battle Fear, verses of Truth that send Fear to the feet of Jesus where it belongs. Truths that set my mind straight and my thoughts on the right course. Words from my Father that are sound and good, sure and stable. 

This passage from Psalm 91:14-16 was my focus this morning, and as I prayed it over my children, the words I will show them burned brightly in my heart as my Father said to me, “Look! Look!”


[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]As children grow from little ones to middle-sized, they grow from the faith we have taught them to the faith they choose. But God promises to show them His salvation. #faith #parenting[/tweet_box]

They all must choose. 

Our teaching and diligence have laid a foundation, but there comes a time in childhood where every child must choose for himself or herself.

What terror this can strike in the heart of a mother like me who has prayed through her tears in the dark night for the faith of her children, a mother who has held on to control as if she really could make the faith choice for them. We do have to let go and let them choose.

But what comfort, what joy this passage brings! Our God will show them!

He promises in Psalm 91:16 to show them His salvation. He is a God who delights in tugging on hearts, enthusiastically and sweetly imploring us to come and see! 

Like my little girl who wants me to take joy in the same things she does, to look together upon a delight, our God calls to our children’s hearts and invites them to look upon the salvation He has crafted just for them.

He loves them dearly, and He will take their hands and pull them to Himself. The great God worthy of honor will honor them with His showing, with His pursuing. 

In the meantime, we can rest on our knees, holding them up to our Father, praying that their seeing becomes believing.

Thanks be to God for his precious and beautiful promises!

Lord, show my children your salvation. Infuse them with the delight of your hearts you invite them to look upon the great gifts of your love and power in their lives. Give them faith to see. Amen.

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