Don’t Travel Hungry

I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.
Psalm 81:10
The desert sand mounded along the shoulder of the road, if it could even be called a road. Two tracks, created by others who had gone before us, wove across the dehydrated landscape. The way was barely visible as I craned my neck to peer over the steering wheel of our 4 x 4.
Provisions rattled in the back as my colleagues and I held on to anything we could grab, trying to stay seated with every lurch and sway. Everyone was alert; no one dozed, ever. Bandits were known to stop travelers brave enough to make the journey.
We had packed large bottles of filtered water, a branch of bananas freshly plucked from the village tree, fragrant links of dried sausage, and a bag of roasted cashews. This was our survival kit for the long trek from the remote African village where we lived to the city eight hours away. If we were lucky we’d find a little shop along the way selling hot beans and flatbread, with warm Coca-Cola to wash it down.
We never traveled without emergency food.
Now I travel a different road, through a spiritual desert with little food available along the dusty track. I crane my neck over the steering wheel of my choices, my obedience, and squint to see the path laid out by One who has gone before me. Provisions for this journey are crucial. The road is long and changeable; bandits lay in wait for those who go this way. Sometimes the path is hard to see.
If I’m lucky I might find a friend or the porch of a kind stranger and receive a hot meal. But in the long distances in between, I will need sustenance.
God’s Word is my provision for this journey. I won’t travel hungry. The Words of Truth within its pages are my emergency food.
They support me and direct me, sharpening my ability to see when the tracks in the sand momentarily disappear. They sing a melody of strength in my ear when I grow weary of the drive. God’s words keep me alert to danger. My Savior creates beautiful word pictures of what waits for me at the end of my pilgrimage and spurs me on to persevere.
His words remind me He is with me and will get me to my destination.
Don’t travel, sojourner, without provisions. The Word of God is the food that sustains us on our journey. #perseverance #faith #theBible Share on XWhy trek hungry, weak, and weary? God has packed supplies for your every need in His Word. And He will get you to the end of the road you are on.
Lord, I want to be a wise traveler. Give me the Words that will sustain me on my journey. Amen.
Provision Pack Resources:
Daily Light on the Daily Path, by Samuel and Jonathan Bagster
40 Days in the Word, by Rick Warren
My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers
Daily with the King, by W. Glyn Evans
The Conversation
thank you! Good word!
You are welcome, Dawn Marie. Blessings to you today.