He Did Indeed

A drop of rain falling from an evergreen with the words, "He Did Indeed", the title of the post.

And Noah did all that God commanded him—he did indeed.

Genesis 6:22, NET

The earth was ruined. Not by global warming, massive flooding, or earthquakes. But by human hearts. 

The heart has that mighty, terrible power.

Every inclination of the thoughts of their minds was only evil all the time (v.5).

God’s heart was wounded, and He was highly offended by the ones He had created. Yet there was one who brought God comfort. His name was Noah, and he walked with God. 

Noah was a godly man; he was blameless among his contemporaries. He walked with God (v.9).

We humans are not the only ones who find comfort and hope in a friend willing to walk with us when our hearts are broken.

God has been walking with us in friendship since the beginning. Our father Adam and mother Eve sinned and disrupted this most common act of friendship between humans and their Creator. But since that fateful day, God has been pursuing us, making a way for us to walk together once again.

On this walk with His friend Noah, God commanded something outlandish, unheard of. Build a ship and gather two of every animal, and gather every kind of food. Enter the boat with your wife, sons, and their wives, and I will seal you inside while the rest of the world perishes in a flood.

True friends listen past the crazy and see the brilliance. Noah said yes, I will.

And Noah did all that God commanded him—he did indeed.

In the end, friendship with God led to salvation.

Noah’s descendant Abraham would also walk with God, receiving His covenant. Abraham’s descendant David would lead God’s people and from him, the Messiah would bring salvation to all of mankind.

Human hearts continue to ruin the earth, and God’s heart is grieved. But there are those on earth today who walk with God, who comfort Him with their friendship and bring hope because they have said yes, I will. I will do all You command me—I will indeed.

The same power that was in Noah is at work in God’s friends today.

The Lord works His mighty saving power through those who dare see brilliance beyond the crazy and say yes, I will indeed.

Friends of God have the power to change this generation, and the next, and the next. #faith Share on X

What crazy thing is God asking you to do today? Can you see the brilliance of His great thoughts toward humanity? The magnificence of His mercy? Will you be a comfort and hope to your God today?

Yes, I will indeed.

Lord, I want to walk with you and do all you command. Yes, I do indeed. Amen.


Photo by Ed Leszczynskl on Unsplash

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