He Will be Waiting


A picture of sunset from 45,000 feet with the words He will be Waiting describing the subject of the post.

My God with his lovingkindness will meet me (ASV).

The God who loves me will help me (NET).

Psalm 59:10

My work requires extensive travel. Sometimes, I arrive at my destination expected, prepared for, and cared for, while other times, I am on my own.

Being expected, prepared for, and cared for makes a big difference.

Sometimes it’s critical to know someone is waiting for me. One time I flew from Egypt to Kenya so sick I almost passed out in the passport queue upon arrival. As the blackness closed in, I feverishly scanned the crowd for a kind face, trying to decide if it was better to introduce myself before I fainted or let them meet me by looking through my bag for my photo ID as I lay unconscious on the ground. In the end, I didn’t faint in the airport and made it just in time to the kindness of our friend who was waiting for me outside. 

Where are you going?

Wherever you go this new year, the Lord will be there. And He is waiting with His lovingkindness. #hope Share on X

His lovingkindness is the beautiful Hebrew word hesed, which means mercy, kindness, faithfulness, beauty, goodness, love, compassion, and favor.

Wherever you and I go this year, the Lord will be waiting with mercy, kindness, faithfulness, beauty, goodness, love, compassion, and favor.

It’s okay if you’re weak, afraid, anxious, unprepared, even sick. He will be waiting; He is our strength, peace, truth, and healing.

Where are you going?

You are going to Him, dear one. Remember this.

You’re not simply going to the interview for the job you desperately need. He will be there waiting for you to help you.

You are not simply flying across the world alone to help your daughter care for her small children while her husband is away for work. The Lord will be waiting there for you.

You are not simply showing up wherever you must, even though your heart trembles and your mind is weary. He will be there. Waiting. With His love and His help.

We are all going lots of places this year. Let’s reorient our hearts to the One who has promised to meet us there with his lovingkindness.

Lord, I am so comforted that You wait for me with Your lovingkindness. Knowing this, I will go anywhere. Thank You. Amen.


Photo by yours truly from 45,000 feet over the earth.

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    The Conversation

  1. Susie Uren says:

    Praise God He holds by His righteous right hand and He never let’s go!

  2. Susie Uren says:

    Praise God He holds by His righteous right hand and He never let’s go!