Honest Prayer

A photo of a little boy with a paper king's crown on, with the words, "honest prayer" describing the subject of the post.

“Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed about himself like this: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people: extortionists, unrighteous people, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of everything I get.’ The tax collector, however, stood far off and would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, be merciful to me, sinner that I am!’

Luke 18:10-13


I have been thinking about honest prayer. As I pondered today, I remembered a day when I witnessed different approaches to a human king. I have tried to capture it here. May the King of kings help us have the courage to approach Him honestly.


Honest Prayer

by Audrey Frank


The king was coming

Any moment

Down my very street

The crowds were swelling

People clamored

For a chance to see.


I heard the drums

Before I saw

The grandeur of his robe

His kindly face

Peering round

As down my street he strode.


I watched a lady

Weak and frail

Yet determined, brave

As she pressed

Though the crowds

And at his feet she laid.


With tears she told him her request

Direct words

Eyes cast down

Imploring him

Beseeching him

He who wears the crown.


The king, he stopped

With hand upraised

To quell his entourage

Bent near to listen

To the lady

I heard the word “courage.”


He took her hand and helped her stand


It seemed to me

She dried her tears

And watched him go

Face beaming with relief.


My son sat high on Daddy’s shoulders


All the while

Reaching a chubby hand to touch

The king

And drew a smile.


The king looked right into his eyes

And asked 

What is your name?

My little boy answered freely

The king smiled

And did the same.


I looked across the thrumming crowd

A mishmash 

of hope and despair

I watched one thousand other people

Who had not the courage

To dare.


Some faces were etched with longing

Others with fear and shame

I wish they’d had the courage

To tell the king 

Their names.


Speaking to a king is no small matter

Can we fall at his feet in despair?

Isn’t there protocol

Isn’t he higher

Will we die if 

We so dare?


No one told the woman in need

She could not seek the king

She fell at his feet

Asked for his help

And with his help stood free.


No one told the laughing child

He could not touch the one who reigns.

He reached out his hand

The King reached back

They learned one another’s names.


Speak to the King

Fall at His feet

Reach out your hand

And see.


The King is coming

He’s on His way now

He’s coming right down our street.


How has honest prayer changed your life and community? Write me!


King of kings, help me approach you with complete honesty and vulnerability. I want to know you and be known by you. Amen.



Photo by Valario Davis on Unsplash


Read with me:

Where Prayer Becomes Real, by Kyle Strobel and John Coe


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