King Tide

Tide at sunset with the words "King Tide" describing the subject of the post.

For you, little bug.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:14

A king tide is a non-scientific term used to describe the largest type of tide, which occurs when the earth, moon, and sun are perfectly aligned. 

I’m a mountain girl, and I did not grow up understanding tides and shorelines. I left the mountains to explore the world. My sister left the mountains too and followed her fascination with all things sea, making her family’s home along an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. Her happy place is in her kayak at sunset, immersing herself in the glory of God’s living painting of the day. Sometimes, He pours liquid color over the waves and bids them dance around her. Other days, He commissions a family of dolphins to escort her up the creek, just so He can hear her laughter echo off His canvas.

Last night as she sat on the dock with her feet in the water, her eyes sparkled while she told me about the King Tide. 

During the King Tide, you can go places that are impossible otherwise. And creation seems to be more alive. Fish jump into my kayak, shrimp leap and land at my feet. Life comes to me, like an invitation to see more, breathe more, feel more, know more. 

I was fascinated by this Figure of the True, something we can see with our eyes that points to Truth. 

King tides are something to watch for. Although not a scientific term, the king tide is carefully monitored by scientists. The king tide can cause joy, like it has for my sister, or it can cause destruction, especially if it coincides with a storm front. 

Like a king tide, the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will fill the earth like the waters cover the sea. For some, it may bear them up to places of joy once impossible to explore. It may come like an invitation to see more, breathe more, feel more, know more. For others, it may destroy their carefully constructed barriers, the shoreline of their comfort, the familiar landscape they felt sure was immovable.

It seems the more rigid the shoreline, the greater the potential for damage at king tide.

The glory of the Lord is something to watch for. To prepare for. It will come, and when it does, will we be terrified, or will we take up our kayaks and venture into the unknown with the Lord? Will we dare go to the wild with Him, where fish jump into our kayak and the whole earth thrums with another level of life that we never noticed before?

We are practicing for heaven, folks.

Lord, grant me the courage to go with You, to see more, breathe more, feel more, and know more of Your glory. Amen.



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