One Thing Only

A woman running along a narrow path crossing mountain peaks, with the words, "One Thing Only" describing the subject of the post.

Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored,
may your kingdom come,
may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:9, NET

One Thing Only

by Audrey Frank

Can we start anew today…
I’ll take Your hand once more
Upon the Way.

I lose myself
Though You are near;
Let go Your hand
In paltry fear.

Forgive me, Lord.

Unruly mind,
Assailed and tossed;
Lord, teach me the focus
Of the Cross.

Set my will
Upon one thing;
And on the Way
I’ll walk with You

No other person,
Joy or pain,
Or problem strange,
May I give power
Me to claim.

Only one thing,
One thing only,
Above all else,
One thing holy.

Your will on the Way,
Every day;
As I take Your hand,
At peace I remain.

Free me from attachments Lord,
Disguised desires,
Concealing swords,
Seeking to
Detach me from the Living Word.

Let me cling to one thing only;
Only one thing,
Above all else,
One thing holy.

Your will on the Way,
Every day,
As I take Your hand,
At peace I remain.

In the dark night,
Stretching long,
Our voices rise as one
In song.

I need not know
How long the night
And where the shore.

I’ll take Your hand upon the Way;
The dark to me
Is now like day.

One thing only,
Only one thing,
Above all else,
One thing holy.

Your will on the Way,
As I take Your hand,
At peace I remain.


Lord, I want to want one thing only: Your will on the Way as I walk with You. Amen.


For more reflection on desiring God’s will, listen to Tim Keller’s sermon on this central part of the Lord’s Prayer here.

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

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