Tagged: 2 Samuel 6

  • When Helping Grieves the Lord

    The LORD was so furious with Uzzah, he killed him on the spot for his negligence. 2 Samuel 6:7 To read more of my reflections on 2 Samuel 6, click here. The word ḥârâ used for furious in this passage not only means to grow angry, but also to be grieved. This word has stuck with me in recent days.  What if our helping grieves the Lord? I recently stood with two dear African friends from two different nations as they recounted one way Western help has hurt. Historically, some helpers brought the Gospel to Africa wrapped in prosperity. In the process, suffering was omitted from the message of faith in the One who suffered to save humanity. Allured by illusions of quick solutions and… Read More

  • Leadership Longevity

    To read more in my series of reflections on 2 Samuel 6:;1-18, click here and here. David was afraid of the Lord that day and said, “How will the Ark of the Lord ever come to me?” 2 Samuel 6:10 When the day started, David was full of hope. After a long road of battle and loss, grief and sorrow, he was finally taking his place as king in Jerusalem. But he wanted his reign to be religious as well as political. So he gathered 30,000 of the best men of Israel and showed up at the house of Abinadab to collect the ark. With much celebration, the king would take it into Jerusalem. In his zeal for the Lord, David overlooked the Lord’s holiness.… Read More

  • Holiness Ignored

    To read the first in my series of reflections on 2 Samuel 6:1-18, click here.   He died right there beside the ark of God. 2 Samuel 6:7 When holiness is ignored loss is inevitable. The ark of God represented the very presence of God among His people. He gave careful instructions in Numbers 7:9 about its transport. It was to be carried on poles, supported on the shoulders of the Kohathites. Not even the priests were permitted to touch it (Numbers 4:15). It is difficult for us modern readers to comprehend the gravity of Uzzah’s story. Holiness has become archaic, a concept associated with ceremony and gilded altars beneath domed, elaborately painted ceilings. But holiness is worth revisiting. Without it, there is no hope.… Read More