The Sound of Feet Running (Or, How to Resist the Devil)
For our grown-up warrior, who helped us hear the sound of feet running. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. James 4:7-8 Some said we were living near the very gates of the enemy. Deep in the heart of the ancient walled city was an old mosque, made famous over the centuries by the pilgrims who journeyed there to ask Allah to open their barren wombs. Through ornate iron gates I could see thousands of colored strips of cloth, a flickering ticker-tape parade of faith and magic mixed with Islamic prayers. The spiritual darkness was suffocating at times. Even the local people warned us of the power… Read More
A Letter to My Sisters and Brothers in Central Asia
After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10 To my newest sisters and brothers, If I could erase myself, so all you could see is Jesus, I would. The words He gave me for you when we were together are His own, from His heart. I am just His servant, a steward of His Light Words. Remember Him, not me. It is He who asked me to go beyond my small borders and travel to a land I had not known before. It was His immeasurable love for you that compelled me to obey. Remember how precious you are to… Read More
In Regard to the Devoted Things
This popular post has been updated from its original publication on audreyfrank.org in March 2018. But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things; Achan son of Karmi, the son of Zimri, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of them. Joshua 7:1 At times reading the Bible, beholding it, is like staring into a burning book. The words lick with flames like a ravenous fire, determined to burn away the perishable in my heart and soul. The text of Joshua 7 is searing, its flames rising ever higher, burning my gaze and drawing me in. The story of Achan’s sin. [bctt tweet="Achan acted unfaithfully in regard to the devoted things. He took some of them. Achan took God’s glory for… Read More
The Tale of the Storm Thrush (or, How to Rebuild a Ruined Nest)
Afflicted one, storm-tossed, and not comforted, behold, I will set your stones in antimony, and I will lay your foundations with sapphires. Moreover, I will make your battlements of rubies, and your gates of crystal, and your entire wall of precious stones. Isaiah 54:11-12 There is a fat-bellied bird in Britain who has two names. Ornithologists call him a Mistle Thrush, but in the countryside where he is often seen, he is known as the Storm Thrush because of his tendency to sing in the midst of strong winds. A story is told about a poet who was awakened in the night, not by the fierce storm that ravaged outside, for indeed it was enough to wake the deepest sleeper, but by a rich and… Read More
The Wildness of Your Presence
Written from a hidden ranch deep in the Kenyan mountains as my husband and I sat in Jesus' presence for examen among the wild creatures. The Wildness of Your Presence Sometimes Your presence is a wild place. Air thrumming with life Wildness As if I emerged into a sacred wilderness Where You and Your wild things Commune. I am the tame one here, The one who thinks Instead of abiding, Who sits Instead of flying. The common Kenyan pigeon Perches nearby Curiously appraising my composure, Inviting me to decompose. Goats meander through A dry river bed, Their bells tinkling As they forage along the ravine. Your food is there waiting for them. Monkeys chatter, Clamber along the acacia, Stopping… Read More
All the Pieces of You
O Lord, you have searched me and known me. Psalm 139:1 Jesus sees me fully. The woman sitting on the floor in the train station is hungry. Or is she a swindler? Her dogs look fat and happy even as she intones her blessings on passersby and asks for euros to fill their water bowl. Maybe she is going without so they can survive. The boy who struggles up the stairs with two suitcases is in a panic, his glasses askew and face crinkled as the train whistles its warning. Where are his parents? Behind her perfect hair and makeup, the girl on the corner with the silver high heels is scared. The man sitting beside me on the bus is humming a chant.… Read More
Silence I Can’t Hear You
He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. (Psalm 107:29-30). Silence, you elusive friend; Doors are creaking, keyboards tapping, I can’t hear you. Let me settle at the sunny table in the kitchen; Perhaps there I will find you for a few moments. No! Pans are banging, dishes clanging; The annoying crinkle of plastic bags; Hands searching for breakfast pastries. Maybe in the corner of the living room, Here in this tiny dwelling, By the window; (Silence and sunshine please!) Oh no! Not here. The whine of saws in the next room, As builders make a wall, Or tear one down. The crash of planks outside, Dropped from the heights, To the busy street below. Where… Read More
Your Gentleness Made Me Great
Your gentleness made me great. 2 Samuel 22:36 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 Great: of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average. Of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average. Important or distinguished (New Oxford American Dictionary). Great is a banned word in my children’s writing curriculum. Overused, the word requires no imagination. Teachers encourage students to think of a synonym that is more precise, less ordinary. Great is… Read More
Parenting Mistakes: Forgiveness for What I Didn’t Mean to Do to You
If anyone sins unintentionally in any of the Lord’s commandments about things not to be done, and does any one of them…he shall be forgiven. Leviticus 4:2, 31 Dear Child, You looked so handsome today as your face peered at me over the many miles that separate us. You are a man now, boy of mine. I love the familiar way your brows knit together like a wooly worm and your eyes look to the right as you think hard on the big life decisions you are facing. I have seen that look many times before. Like the time you took the vacuum cleaner completely apart and described to me your plans to turn it into a jet-car. Or the spring you made the decision… Read More
A Lament for Our Children Part Two
O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear to do justice to the fatherless and oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more. Psalm 10:17-18 Lament: a passionate expression of grief or sorrow; a song, piece of music, or poem expressing sorrow. Lament is an expression found in many cultures across the world. What makes biblical lament different from all others, however, is that its goal is not merely complaint and grief, but a reinstatement of faith in God. A complaint, a sorrow, a rending, that ends in trust. The One who created our emotions, minds, and souls knows that for us to truly trust, we must empty… Read More