Tagged: Audrey Frank

  • Esther: An Honor-Shame Paraphrase by Jayson Georges

    @audreycfrank If you are new to reading the Bible through the lenses of honor and shame, the Old Testament book of Esther is a great place to start. Like a true fairy tale, the story of a beautiful orphan girl’s rise to the status of a queen is enchanting through any worldview. In Esther: An Honor-Honor-Shame Paraphrase, Jayson Georges gives us a new pair of reading glasses equipped with super-powers. Through them we can see the colors and sounds of honor and shame shimmering throughout the book, making the familiar story enthralling and brand new. We find ourselves giving God a standing ovation at the closing scene as He faithfully brings His people from shame to honor in a dramatic status reversal. An Honor-Shame Paraphrase… Read More

  • Facing Family and Friends After Being Freed from Shame

    @audreycfrank Jesus was getting ready to leave in the boat. The man who was freed from the demons begged to go with him. But Jesus would not allow the man to go. Jesus said, “Go home to your family and friends. Tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man left and told the people in the Ten Towns about the great things Jesus had done for him. All the people were amazed. Mark 5:18-20, ICB When Jesus asked him his name, the man of the Gerasenes answered with the name shame had given him: “My name is Legion, because I have many spirits in me” (v.9). The evil forces that had stripped his… Read More

  • When Shame Steals Your Name

    @audreycfrank And Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Legion, for we are many.” Mark 5:9 “What’s your name?” the kind man in the appliance department asked my eighteen-month-old daughter. Blonde curls framing her dimpled face, she looked up at him through big blue eyes and answered, “Fweetie.”  Fweetie was her version of the name we always called her: Sweetie. She knew who she was, dear to her father and me, no matter how she pronounced it. Not everyone knows how precious they are to their Father in heaven. Too many of his children when asked their names respond with lies they have been forced to believe about themselves. Lies like Rejected, Ugly, or Unloved. Shame has forced them into… Read More

  • People, Not Projects

    Mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15 @audreycfrank I love you Audrey jaan! Where are you? The text popped up on my screen as I searched for the pastor’s phone number. I was in high crisis mode, standing by a childhood friend in need during a tragic loss. My sweet Muslim friend Hunoon was looking for me and I had forgotten in the rush of emergency to let her know I couldn’t come by today. I had to go out of town to comfort a friend but I’ll call you as soon as I get back! Three days later, Hunoon and I sat together over hot cups of spicy tea while I told her about the past four terrible days of mourning. Her eyes glistening… Read More

  • A New Heart for a New Year

    @audreycfrank I was minding my own business when God’s Word took me by surprise, threw its handcuffs on me and placed me under arrest. As part of my research for a new book, I was studying Psalm 51 because it is one of the many Biblical passages about being clean and pure. I am fascinated by the offer of a holy, pure God to make His followers clean. Dirtiness comes from many sources. Sin is the most obvious, and the most nebulous category, sort of allowing us to toss our little selfishnesses into it like an ambiguous garbage can without taking a close look. However, as I dug into the Hebrew of verse 10, I could not avoid the piercing examination of my own heart… Read More

  • A Letter to My Friend on Her Darkest Night

    Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 for W. @audreycfrank.com Dear KSICJF&E, My dearest Kindred Spirit In Christ Jesus Forever and Ever you know I am so much better at written words than spoken ones. Spoken words have gotten me in more trouble than I would like to admit in my life. But you already know that too well about me. So I will pen you this letter, this outpouring of my heart, and hope it reaches the deepest place of yours. When we made up this acronym more than thirty years ago, two best friends giggling over our newfound freedom as licensed drivers, we had only a glimmer of just how inspired… Read More