Tagged: faithfulness

  • Are You Faithful Regarding the Devoted Things?

    But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things; Achan son of Karmi, the son of Zimri, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of them. -Joshua 7:1, NIV Sometimes opening the Bible, beholding it, is like staring into a burning book. The words lick with flames like a ravenous fire, determined to burn away the perishable in my heart and soul. Right now is like that. I am revising and editing my manuscript, and the chapter lying next to my focal text is searing, its flames rising ever higher, burning my gaze and drawing me in. Joshua 7 is the passage today. The story of Achan’s sin. Achan acted unfaithfully in regard to the devoted things. He took… Read More