Tagged: Isaiah 61

  • Little Seed

    for so many little acorns waiting in the dark. Little Seed   Silent little seed Deep in the dark Buried.   Decaying little seed All that you once were Decomposed.   Surrendered little seed Still and waiting Hoping.   Poor little seed Silence stretching long Inertia.   Surprised little seed Life is thrumming through you Upward.   Tough little seed Pushing through your casket Breakthrough.   Blinded little seed Emerging into brilliance Light.   Growing little seed Stretching to the heavens Free.   Big little seed Towering in sunshine Rooted.   God’s little seed Oak of righteousness Honored.   [bctt tweet="Hold on, little seed. There's mighty power inside you. Hold on. #transformation" username="audreycfrank"] @audreycfrank Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash Read More