Broken-Hearted Holiday
For my mentor, her family, and all who hurt this holiday season. The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). No one wants to spend the holidays in a hospital. No one ever wishes to spend Thanksgiving planning a loved one’s funeral. No one ever chooses to spend Christmas unwrapping bandages instead of gifts, tending wounds instead of Christmas dinner. Wounds on their child’s burned body so deep they don’t even bleed. Such thoughts are horrifying. But they are a reality for many people this holiday season. The word holiday derives from the old English “holy-day”. How ironic for those who hurt on the holidays, those in excruciating circumstances they never chose. How could a day meant… Read More
One Mother to Another
Grab a cup of coffee and pull your chair up close. I want to talk to you, one mother to another. There are some things we need to get straight, and I think we can help each other. We are both pulling this load, carrying this bundle, pushing this cart, holding tight to this privilege called motherhood. First, I want you to know that you can’t ruin everything. You're powerful, that's true. You are mighty because you are a mother. But you and I don't have that much power. Power so great it can stop the always-pursuing, chasing-our-hearts, life-transforming love and grace of God. God is sovereign, girl! And underneath are the everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:26-28). He doesn’t just go before us (Isaiah 52:12), He goes behind… Read More