Tagged: trust

  • Unforgettable Me

    The old me, like a seed in the ground, can be forgotten after all. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory (Colossians 3:2-4). The closer the hour drew to the seminar I was to teach, the more anxious I became. I obsessed about my hair. I fumbled with my lipstick. My mind went blank, and I couldn’t remember my subject matter. Past failures and foibles paraded through my mind, mocking me. I was a wreck. I could not blame my nerves on busyness. After a deeply satisfying night’s sleep, I’d enjoyed breakfast in… Read More

  • But I Did Everything Right

    @audreycfrank Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 He told her he was not attracted to her anymore, did not love her, and had wasted the past five years of his life married to her. He wanted a divorce. She recoiled in shock, the unexpected declaration taking her completely off-guard. But they both serve in the church! He is a good father to their two children. She has done Bible studies on how to be a godly wife. How could this happen when she had done everything right? She could not believe the doctor’s diagnosis. Surely he was mistaken. This must… Read More

  • The Key to Rest in Midst of Life’s Riot

    @audreycfrank We are desperate for rest. It was this great need that drove me to plan a vacation with my husband and three children to a remote national park this summer. No technology, just sand and sea. We unplugged for eight days and tried not to go nuts as we rediscovered how to do much of nothing. Over that week the many bumps and bruises caused by blind busyness were healed and hearts were renewed. As the vacation drew to a close, only one thing remained to make the week complete for me. It was the last morning, and I was determined to wake up and watch the sunrise. Our rustic little cabin rose on stilts along the dunes, offering a view of the horizon… Read More

  • An Assigned Portion

    @audreycfrank Psalm 16:5, NIV “Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup, and have made my lot secure.” Everything that comes is assigned. Elisabeth Elliot called this the great simplifier for all of life. Our loving heavenly Father has assigned all that comes. Assignment entails willing acceptance of what comes, however. The Israelites wandered in the desert, all ate of the same manna. But many did not please the Lord and died before seeing the Promised Land. What was the difference between them and the ones who did? How do you explain the difference between people who have been through the same experience, but with vastly different outcomes? The simple answer is faith in God, trust in the One who measures out and… Read More

  • How to Face Bad News

    @audreyfrank I journeyed to an unknown land Far across the sea. I stood upon the darkened shores, I heard the ocean breathe.   I listened for the sound of hope, but Everything was still. I wondered if the sun would rise, This new realm to reveal.   I was afraid, my heart grew faint, This place was not my rest. In panic, I searched troubled skies For someone who would help.   I did not know I slept, Until I gently woke And found myself upon a rock The waves crashing below.   The storm rolled dark, The waters churned, I closed my eyes to hide; I opened them again to find A Warrior by my side.   He shielded me and spoke aloud To… Read More

  • Are You Faithful Regarding the Devoted Things?

    But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the devoted things; Achan son of Karmi, the son of Zimri, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of them. -Joshua 7:1, NIV Sometimes opening the Bible, beholding it, is like staring into a burning book. The words lick with flames like a ravenous fire, determined to burn away the perishable in my heart and soul. Right now is like that. I am revising and editing my manuscript, and the chapter lying next to my focal text is searing, its flames rising ever higher, burning my gaze and drawing me in. Joshua 7 is the passage today. The story of Achan’s sin. Achan acted unfaithfully in regard to the devoted things. He took… Read More

  • Honor Revolution

    Around the world, across borders and inside human hearts from every nation, a revolution is happening. People once suffocated by shame are taking their first gasping breath, eyes opening to a new life of honor instead of disgrace. Shame was never meant to be your portion, sings poet and artist Kristene Mueller DiMarco in her song titled Mercy. It was not part of the original plan for humanity, so lovingly created with intrinsic worth and value. Every man and every woman was created with immeasurable significance, designed to love and be loved. In the next chapter of humankind, the lies began and shame entered, robbing man and woman of their true identity. Your true identity and mine is cherished by God. Shame conceals the truth. Honor reveals… Read More