Tagged: trusting God

  • The Lord is My Shepherd

    The Lord is my shepherd… Psalm 23:1   Jeso muridza mudzo! Nahenza nakamone ko muno! Nahenza Nakamone ko kuno! Nahenza Nakamone ko kuno.   Jesus is a good Shepherd! I long to see Him up ahead leading me! I long to see Him up ahead leading me! I long to see Him up ahead leading me.   To the throb of a one-two, one-two-three drum beat we used to sing these words and dance under the palm shelter that served as our church in East Africa. The purity, the sheer joy of the thought of being shepherded by the Lord, filled every face with light. This group of humble shepherds knew the exhaustion of shepherding sheep, wandering far over the brushy savannah looking for grass… Read More

  • Be Quiet

    Take heed, and be quiet; do not fear or be fainthearted. Be still, and know that I am God. Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God? He will not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is established. -Isaiah 7:4, Psalm 46:10, John 11:40, Psalm 112:7-8 “He will be fine,” said the innkeeper, “Mothers always worry the most.” You don’t know our story, I thought wearily as I set my luggage down. Five hours and three hundred miles earlier I’d been sitting in a parking lot, immobilized. Unable to leave my youngest son behind until I’d made a decision. Would I trust the Lord? After a… Read More

  • The Table-Setter

    Thou preparest a shulchan before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with shemen (olive oil); my kos (cup) runneth over. Surely tov (goodness) and chesed (lovingkindness) shall follow me kol y’mei chaiyyai (all the days of my life)... --Psalm 23:4-6, Orthodox Jewish Bible Shulchan: (Hebrew) a king’s table, private use, sacred use (Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon; keyed to the "Theological Word Book of the Old Testament"). My table-setter was very busy. The most colorful rug, the one woven by her great-grandmother and carefully cherished and preserved, was the one chosen as a “tablecloth” for eating. I watched as Nadia tenderly unrolled it and placed it on her immaculately clean floor in the center of the room. Next, silk embroidered cushions… Read More