When the Work is Finished

Photo of a man carefully finishing a work in his hands with the words "When the Work is Finished," describing the subject of the post.

for J and A

So at last Moses finished the work. Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. Moses could no longer enter the Tabernacle because the cloud had settled down over it, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle.

Exodus 40:33-35

finish: to complete; to reach the end of a race, typically in a particular position. (Synonyms) bring to a close, bring to fruition, crown, cap, set the seal on, stop, cease, accomplish, discharge, fulfill

kālâ: to fulfill, complete, be concluded, settled, intended, overcome

What does it really mean to finish? How will we know when the work God has given us to do is complete?

As soon as Moses finished the work, it was covered in cloud, obscured. The way was blocked and he could no longer enter the Tabernacle. And oh, how many times he had entered! Examining this, measuring that. Making sure this was right, and that was just so. Huddling with the priests and consulting with the artisans to check the instructions God gave once more. Observing everything to measure its completion. Chatting with folks to make sure they knew their responsibilities.

But now there was only holy silence. The din and dazzle of demands lay still, surrendered to the presence of the Lord and His purpose for the completed work.

The cloud confirmed Moses was done.

The glory of the Lord filled the space Moses built. And the glory of the Lord prevented him from going back, second-guessing, poring over the details just one more time, fault-finding, doubting himself. Taking control.

He finished it, and the Lord instantly filled it. 



Filled with the glory of the Lord.

There was no room for Moses anymore in Moses’ finished work.

Behold the satisfaction of work well done!

Here we see the supreme standard of finishing. The goal of our finishing is God on the inside and us on the outside. When He fills the space we’ve built, we will see the glory of God and we will know. 

We’ve finished the work.

Look up from your work today. Are clouds forming on the horizon, is the mist growing thick around your feet as you measure and examine your labors? Get ready for the glory. You may almost be done with this present task.

God uses people to display His glory. Is your work filled with new faces? A younger generation? Fresh fire? Behold the glory of the Lord.

No matter where we are in the work He’s given, let’s remember the glory-goal. 

In the vision and the planning, consider the end.

In the blueprint-sketching of your beautiful God-shaped dreams, remember the finish.

God-room, God-space is the goal. Thoughts higher than our thoughts, ways higher than our ways. Bigger than the plans of man, we seek to build God-shaped spaces that will one day be filled with the glory of the Lord.

On that day, we will be finished, fulfilled, complete, settled.

Finished work is not a cause for sadness, but a cause for #worship. Share on X

None of me; all of You, Lord.

Lord, help me finish the work You’ve given. May your glory fill the space I’ve built. Amen.


Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

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