You Have Assigned Me My Portion

A cup and saucer with the words You have assigned me my portion

Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup, and have made my lot secure.

Psalm 16:5

Everything that comes is assigned. 

Elisabeth Elliot called this the great simplifier for all of life. Our loving heavenly Father has assigned everything that comes into our lives.

Can I accept His assignment? Can you?

The Israelites wandered in the desert, all ate of the same manna. But many did not please the Lord and died before seeing the Promised Land. How do you explain the difference between people who have been through the same experience, but with vastly different outcomes?

The great simplifier invites us to trust God even when it’s hard. Maybe even when it seems impossible. His portion can be painful. 

I have found that when I accept His portion, He gives me Himself. I think that is where the security lies in this passage. My lot is secure because He is with me in it. Somehow the portion, the cup, the shape and size, become irrelevant. He is here with me!

Today, dear Christian, just for today, try to accept His portion for you. Whatever you face, be it the traffic jam that makes you late, the interruption of your well-laid plans, or the vastly incomparable circumstances of loss or pain, choose to accept the great simplifier: everything that comes is assigned.

The Lord Himself, the Great Assigner and Measurer, will be with you. Trust Him with me today?

Maybe we should try for 30 days and make a habit of it.

Lord, forgive me for resisting your assigned portion and cup. I want You more than I want to choose my own lot. Thank you for assigning everything out of love for me. Amen.



Elliot, Elisabeth, “Keep a Quiet Heart,” Vine Books, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 1995. p.18

Image by cromaconceptovisual from Pixabay

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